2022.11: theagilehub new home, new features. Agile Meetups, OKR Focus Day

Dear friends and members of our Agile Community,

the first Christmas markets have opened, soon it will be the most beautiful time of the year!

However, we are already giving you the very first Christmas present - OUR NEW HOME!!! :christmas_tree:

We have been working on it for a long time and finally we can welcome you there.

We call it theagilehub.

So let’s do a deep dive and recap the news from the last month on this product, our meetups, special events and more.

If you would like to send us feedback directly by e-mail, you can also reach us at we@theagilehub.io

We are excited and looking forward to the upcoming live events and discussions here in the forums with you!

Enjoy this month’s issue
Ben, Björn, Sonja and Dani from theagilehub


We are delighted to finally welcome you to theagilehub❣️

theagilehub is a brand new platform for sharing, for our LEARN. CONNECT. SHARE in the Agile community. Lots of space, room and opportunities to connect with others, find solutions to current challenges together, share learnings or maybe learn together and exchange ideas. We are really looking forward to designing the new home together and setting accents.

Just sign up to this community in order to connect with other members, discuss, access documentation from our (remote) meetups and more.

We did a lot of improvements on this community platform, so look what we did:

English / German language

We provide categories for discussing in English, but as our heritage is Germany we also provide some categories where you can post in German. Agilität (DE) ist your entry point to the German speaking categories.

Meetup documentation

The #agileUFRA Meetups category is the home of the #agileUFRA meetup usergroup. Created back in 2015, we provide bi-weekly remote meetups to the community. Every meetup, 60 to 120 people gather on agile topics in order to learn, connect and share their knowledge.

We care for organisation, moderation and facilitation.

You can find our upcoming events and event archive on the main website. We’ll also announce them in the #agileUFRA Meetups category.

The documentation of all past meetups is accessible for registered users in the Meetup documentation category.

Plenty of categories to discuss & debate

There are plenty of categories where you can discuss and debate. If you’re a Scrum Master / Agile Coach use Scrum Master's Home (English) or Scrum Master (de) (German), if you’re in product ownership / management you can discuss in Product Owner / Manager / People or Product Owner / Manager / People (de) etc.

Just browse the categories.

Cohorts from Mayflower Trainings have a dedicated safe-space

We created some special categories that are only visible for attendees / users of our commercial offerings. These are safe spaces for cohorts of i.e. trainings.

If you’re interested in our offerings, please drop us a message.

Improved mobile startpage

During launch we improved the mobile view of the startpage of this community. It was hard to surface the content inside the categories as the mobile view only displayed the categories but not the postings. This was changed now, so that when you browse the start page with a mobile device, you should get a direct view of the latest postings.

Special: The OKR Focus Day!

okr focus day teaser

On Dec 7th, 2022, the Mayflower OKR Focus Day will take place - OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) have taken the world by storm. However, there are many controversies, misconceptions and stumbling blocks in their use, especially in agile contexts.

In this Open Space you can discuss how to implement OKRs in a better way or where leaders need to break old habits. And you can learn how your agile team can unleash its full creative potential to contribute to product and business strategy.

But we will also address the situations where OKR is not a good idea.

In addition to the Open Space, we also have a great lineup of fixed speakers. The opening keynote will be given by Allan Kelly, and there are other speakers with lighthouse talks.

Open Space means that you as a participant contribute to the content of the unconference directly at the event. You can give a talk, report on your own experiences, offer an “Ask me” session, or whatever format you can think of.

So: save the date - tickets are available here: OKR Fokus Day 2022

Documentation of the last #agileUFRA meetups

Last month, we had some great agile meetups. You can access the documentation as a registered user in the Meetup documentation category.

We’re very happy to get feedback from our attendees on every meetup. We always use this to improve our meetups! Here’s what attendees say (in German, sorry for the unconvenience :slight_smile: ):

Sehr guter Input! Praxisbezogen, nahbare Teilnehmer. Ich habe viel für mich mitnehmen können! Danke!

Schön moderierte Diskussion in großer Runde

Viele Praxis-EindrĂĽcke aus der Community

You can find the documentations of our last events here:

The last topics and dates of AgileUFRA in 2022

We have compiled the last events for the year 2022 for you here:

So, we hope you found something exciting.

See you soon!